We were among the first 500 companies with an R&D center in Turkey and in the sector; We are the first and only company with an R&D department approved by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology. As Teknik Balans A.Ş, in our production and design operations; We see the support of innovative products and applications as the focus of carrying our business into the future. With our 15 engineers in our R&D Center, we design new products in line with global trends for needs. We allocate approximately 12% of our turnover to R&D expenditures every year, within the scope of the studies we carry out in different areas from existing product improvements to new product development at our R&D Center. We apply for patents and utility models for new products developed in our R&D Center.
12 of our 14 applications were accepted in TÜBİTAK TEYDEB projects, and we received state support for these 12 projects. We are one of the 50 companies with the highest acceptance rate in Tubitak.